Superior Commercial Roofing Solutions

Walker & Son's Construction, LLC


At Walker & Son's Construction, LLC, we extend our roofing expertise beyond residential projects to offer superior commercial roofing services tailored for businesses in Hamilton County. Recognizing the critical importance of a durable, high-performing roof to your business operations, we are committed to delivering solutions that not only protect your investment but also enhance the aesthetic and functional appeal of your commercial property. With Walker & Son's, you gain a trusted partner dedicated to elevating the integrity and value of your business premises.

Our team of seasoned professionals employs a meticulous approach, combining cutting-edge technology with time-honored craftsmanship to meet the unique demands of commercial roofing. From initial inspection to final installation, we ensure a seamless, transparent process, prioritizing your needs, timeline, and budget. Opt for Walker & Son's Construction for commercial roofing services that stand the test of time, reflecting our unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

Tailored Roofing Solutions for Every Business

Understanding that each business in Hamilton County has its own specific roofing needs, Walker & Son's Construction offers customized commercial roofing solutions. Whether you're looking for installation, maintenance, or repair services, our comprehensive assessments ensure that we propose solutions perfectly aligned with your operational requirements and aesthetic preferences. We specialize in a variety of roofing systems, from traditional flat roofs to modern, energy-efficient installations, all designed to provide optimal protection and performance for your business.

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Advanced Materials and Cutting-Edge Techniques

In the realm of commercial roofing, the choice of materials and application techniques can significantly impact the longevity and efficacy of your roof. Walker & Son's Construction prides itself on leveraging advanced materials and state-of-the-art roofing techniques to ensure superior durability and weather resistance. Our commitment to innovation means your commercial property benefits from the latest developments in roofing technology, offering enhanced protection against the elements and improved energy efficiency.

Minimizing Business Interruption

We understand the importance of keeping your business operations uninterrupted. Walker & Son's Construction's approach to commercial roofing projects is designed to minimize disruption, ensuring that your business continues to run smoothly throughout the installation or repair process. Our project management includes meticulous planning and efficient execution, aiming for the swift completion of your roofing project without compromising on quality or safety. Choose us to keep your business protected and productive.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the steps of installing a new roof?

    Installing a roof involves a detailed process to ensure durability and protection for your home. 

    The typical steps include:

    1. Removing the Old Roof: Completely stripping away the old roof to prepare for a new one.
    2. Inspecting the Wood Decking: Checking the underlying wood for damage and making necessary repairs.
    3. Preparing the Roof Surface: Installing drip edges and applying an ice and water shield, especially around chimneys and pipes.
    4. Laying Down Roofing Felt: This underlayment provides an extra barrier against water.
    5. Installing New Roofing Material: Whether shingles, metal, or another material, this step is where the new roof starts to take shape.
    6. Applying Flashing: Installed around roof features to direct water away from vulnerable areas.
    7. Sealing and Caulking: Ensuring all new installations are watertight.
    8. Cleaning Up: Removing all waste materials and ensuring the site is left tidy.
    9. Final Inspection: A thorough check to ensure the installation meets all standards.
  • Is a 50-year roof warranty worth it?

    A 50-year roof warranty can offer significant value, providing homeowners with long-term peace of mind. 

    These warranties typically cover high-quality, durable shingles designed to withstand harsh weather conditions more effectively than standard options. 

    The upfront cost might be higher, but the extended lifespan and enhanced protection against weather damage can make it a cost-effective choice in the long run. 

    When considering such a warranty, it's essential to review the details to understand what's covered, including any limitations or exclusions.

  • What is the layer under the shingles called?

    The layer under the shingles is known as the roofing underlayment. 

    This critical component comes in two main types: synthetic underlayment and felt (or tar paper) underlayment. 

    Synthetic underlayment is known for its durability, tear resistance, and better performance under extreme weather conditions, making it an increasingly popular choice. 

    Felt underlayment, while more traditional, offers a cost-effective solution that provides a basic level of protection. 

    Both types play a crucial role in waterproofing and protecting your roof from wind and rain.

  • How much does a roof replacement cost in 2024?

    In 2024, the cost of a roof replacement can vary widely based on factors like the size of your roof, the materials selected, and the location of your property. 

    On average, homeowners might expect to spend anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 or more. 

    Higher-end materials like metal or slate can drive costs higher, while more common materials like asphalt shingles may be at the lower end of the spectrum. 

    It's also important to consider additional costs for labor, removal of the old roof, and any necessary repairs to the roof's structure. 

    Getting multiple quotes from reputable contractors can help ensure you get the best service and value for your investment.

Sustainable and Eco-friendly Roofing Options

In today’s business environment, sustainability is more than a buzzword; it's a commitment to future generations. Walker & Son's Construction is at the forefront of offering eco-friendly and sustainable roofing options for commercial properties in Hamilton County. From green roofs that support urban biodiversity to reflective roofing materials that reduce energy costs, our eco-conscious solutions not only protect your premises but also contribute to a healthier planet.

Long-Term Maintenance and Support

A commercial roof is a significant investment, and Walker & Son's Construction is dedicated to ensuring its longevity through comprehensive maintenance and support services. Our proactive maintenance plans are designed to identify and address potential issues before they escalate, extending the life of your roof and ensuring it continues to perform at its best. With our team on your side, you can expect a roofing solution that delivers lasting value and peace of mind.

Contact Us

Replacing or repairing your roof is no small matter.  It can be a stressful project to undertake and we totally understand the feelings that it can entail.

We are looking forward to your call and discussing your roofing project and how we can ease your burden by guiding you through each step of the project.  You can rest assured that our reputation of being a trustworthy and honest roofing company is something we don't take lightly!

Call us today at (317) 798-8192, or submit a request and we will get back to you ASAP.

contact us for roofing installation, roofing repairs

Partnering with Hamilton County Businesses

Walker & Son's Construction is more than a roofing contractor; we are a partner to the Hamilton County business community. We understand the challenges and opportunities local businesses face, and we're committed to providing roofing services that support your growth and success. By choosing us, you're investing in a partnership that values integrity, excellence, and mutual success. Let us help you protect and enhance your commercial property, setting the stage for your business to thrive.


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